logo + sidebar

Examples of My Work

[sites from "scratch"] [existing sites]

I offer web design services for whatever your needs, whether you want a web presence for your large corporation, a fledgling small business, a personal, family or hobby site, or anything in between.


Sites "from scratch"

These are a few sites that I have created from the ground, up. Usually, that means I start with nothing but the basic idea or vision of what I (or clients) want and create all graphics, logos, templates, wording and the layout of the site. Some graphics were created using royalty free and client supplied art or photos as a basis, but many were created using my own original artwork or photos.
All the banners linking the sites were created by me.
As with all of the sites I design, the only HTML "editor" I use is Notepad++. Pretty much all my code is manually entered. I don't use HTML editing programs to generate the code, because I feel that this gives me more complete control over every detail of a site. Additionally, I dislike all the extraneous and often proprietary code those editors seem fond of placing on web pages!

  This is the site for my soap and craft business. Most of the graphics for this site were made with my own photos and Jasc Paint Shop Pro 7.   I actually made this one several years ago, so it is a lot simpler, overall than some of my more recent ones.

  Here is a ministry site. Most of the web graphics on that page were created with stock backgrounds and Jasc Paint Shop Pro 7 to alter them to suit my needs. I made that site before I became as interested (and proficient) in totally creating my own custom graphics.

  This is a promotional and informational site for a local musician. it was originally created several years ago and is best viewed at a screen resolution of between 800 x 600 & 1024 x 768. This means that if you have a wide screen, or better resolution, some things will be a little funny. Obviously, few are viewing at that low res anymore, but that client took over the design of his site after learning enough HTML, so I haven't updated it in quite a while, but I am including it here for a couple reasons. One, because it was with this site that I began doing a lot more custom graphics of my own.. I made my first animation for this site.. the square blinking, multicolored Celtic knots. The other reason is because it is a great example of how I am able to come up with wording that can sell your service or product! (I have a background of MANY years in sales and product promotion) Almost all the promotional wording is my doing. The picture of bagpipes on the banner is a scan of a pencil drawing I did for the purpose.
*All content that personally identifies or is the intellectual property of the person for whom the site was originally created has been altered, as the site no longer appropriately represents that person.

  This is my personal site, as well as a Metal music resource site. This is the very first web site I ever made. Obviously, it is spruced up quite a bit from its beginnings. I created the animated banner, the link buttons and a few of the other graphics. Most of the backgrounds are stock images. Most of this site hasn't been updated in a few years because it is kind of a low priority these days, with work and other responsibilities coming first.
WARNING:This site may contain offensive language, topics or other subject matter not sutible for minors or easily offended individuals. Parental guidance is strongly suggested and minors should not visit this site without parental permission.

  Here is a fledgling band website. There isn't much to it yet, but I really like the banner.
You may notice that the banner is nearly identical to another a bit further down the page. This is because the client I created the other one for ended up not paying me for my work, and I liked the design so much that I decided to use it for my own purposes instead.
I will not reuse custom graphics in this way if they are paid for, EVER!

  This is a retail site, specialising in unusual shoes, clothing, and accessories.
I created all graphics for the site, with the exception of the chain "line" and the blood drip "line" used as separators, using Jasc Paint Shop Pro 10. The buttons are very similar to the buttons on the "Mistress Be" site, for the same reason mentioned above regarding the banner that I used for the "Sanguinary Symmetry" site. Again, I will not resell any custom graphics that a client pays for!

  This is an alternative lifestyle information site. I created all graphics, with the exception of the one on the entry page, which is a royalty free stock image. Graphics were created using Jasc Paint Shop Pro 10, and, its successor, Corel Paint Shop Pro 3X Ultimate, which is what I am currently using, as of 2011.
WARNING:This site may contain offensive language, topics or other subject matter not sutible for minors or easily offended individuals. Parental guidance is strongly suggested and minors should not visit this site without parental permission.

  This is a site devoted to cigar smoking and the eroric side of women smoking cigars. It has often been referred to as a smoking fetish site. All graphics are completely my creations, most of them made from my own art and photos.
WARNING: This site contains subject matter not sutible for minors or easily offended individuals and is intended for adults only.

  This site was created for a professional dominatrix. She had another site previously, but it was extremely outdated and the web designer was not contactable to make changes or to supply access to the files so someone else could do the work, so I just made her a new site. I created all graphics for this site. (Regular photos are not counted as "graphics")
WARNING: This site contains subject matter not sutible for minors or easily offended individuals and is intended for adults only.

  Ready for me to get started on your site? Want more information? Have questions? !

Changes to Existing Sites

This can be anything from adding a form, calendar or other feature, to making layout or theme changes, to completely revamping a site.


  This is an example of a simple form I was contracted to create so that people at other locations of a business or even out in the field could check on availability and price or order parts from the parts manager from any computer connected to the Internet, rather than relying on postal mail or phone messages like they had been doing. It really helped to streamline their operations!

  This next example demonstrates a complete overhaul of a site.
This is a site for a non-profit, alternative lifestyle organization. When they contacted me, they told me that they needed something that "wasn't so hard on the eyes" and wanted something a little more professional looking. They also wanted an interactive calendar and an online membership form.

Here is what they had when they contacted me

They didn't even have a banner to use for linking to their site.
What they wound up with once I had their new site ready to go live included all that they asked for and then some! The events page has a great example of a simple table and the membership page shows a more advanced form than the purchasing form above.
Click on the banner to see their new site. I created ALL the graphics for the new site, including re-making their logo so it would look nicer, and did some tweaks on the wording as well.
WARNING:This site may contain offensive language, topics or other subject matter not sutible for minors or easily offended individuals. Parental guidance is strongly suggested and minors should not visit this site without parental permission.

  Here again, pretty much a complete overhaul, with new layout, graphics, and a few minor wording changes to make it pop a bit more.
This was for a small computer repair business, and they wanted something simple, with the same basic colour theme as they had before, but nicer than what the template "create your own site" options allowed for.
Here is the "before" site.

They didn't have a banner either. They do now, of course!
And, if you click their banner here, you can see what they had when I was finished.

  I will be adding more links to sites I have worked on as time permits. My first priority is working on things for my clients, so sometimes my own site has to be put on a back burner for a bit.


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This site and all its contents are copyrighted and the property of Wolfden Enterprises except where otherwise noted. If you wish to use anything contained here, please email me and ask.